VBA Programming for Finance
This course will teach you the essential elements of VBA to build practically useful applications and conduct data analysis for finance.
This course is a component of the Excel and VBA Programming for Finance course
Prerequisite knowledge:
- Familiarity with financial instruments and markets
- Intermediate to advanced MS Excel skills
Experience NYIF Virtual:
Module 1: VBA Fundamentals
- Recording and running macros
- Data types, variables, constants and arrays
- Functions and subroutines
- Private vs. public procedures
- Built-in functions and statements
Module 2: VBA Programming Tools
- Variable scope
- Flow control, loops and exception handling
- A Black-Scholes function
- Calling Solver with VBA
- Automating bond yield computations
- Monte Carlo simulation
Module 1: Advanced VBA Topics
- Passing arguments to subroutines and functions
- Pass by value vs. pass by reference
- The Excel object model
- Debugging
- Error trapping
- Creating add-ins
Module 2: Working with Data
- External data, files, databases and websites
- Reading and writing .csv and .txt files
- Sharing data with other MS Office applications
- Accessing Bloomberg data with VBA