Overview of Capital Markets
Gain a broad overview of the marketplaces, exploring a wide array of capital markets' products from equities to interest rate and credit default swaps.
Module 1: Basics of Capital Markets
- Functions of Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries
- Primary vs. Secondary Markets
- Secondary Market Structure
- Investment Banking Businesses
- Industry-specific Risks
Module 2: Equity Securities and Markets
- Issuer vs. Investor Perspectives
- Equity Underwriting Process
- Public versus Private Sectors
Module 3: Fixed Income Securities and Markets
- Debt instruments
- The Underwriting Process
- Fixed Income Pricing and Cash Flows
Module 1: Fixed Income Securities and Markets - continued
- Debt Risks
- Rating Agencies and their Role
Module 2: Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Markets
- Mortgage-backed Securities
- Asset-backed Securities
Module 3: Derivatives
- Forwards vs. Futures
- Options
- Interest Rate Swaps
- Credit Default Swaps