Corporate Treasury Management
In Corporate Treasury Course, you will learn how to manage treasury activities more effectively using new approaches and technologies - global scope with a special focus on the U.S. financial environment.
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CPE Credits: 21
Module 1: The Treasury Function
- The importance of the treasury function
- Treasurer role & responsibilities
- Organizational structure
Module 2: Treasury Strategies
- Setting an overall strategy
- Potential problems and economies of scale
- Strategic solutions
- Reading: Microsoft Harnessing Innovation in Treasury
- Simulation: Design treasury function/strategy
Module 3: Treasury Operations
- Cash flow management and the daily cash position
- Menu of bank services and their costs
- Daily reporting
- Exercise: Streamlining Cash Flows
Module 4: Managing Bank Relations
- Managing bank relations
- Bank products and services
- Using RFP wisely
- Measuring performance
- Simulation: RFP Considerations
Module 5: Liquidity Management
- Liquidity issues
- Liquidity reserves
- Bankruptcy issues
- Case: Lehman Repo
- Exercise: Lehman lessons learned
Module 6: Cash Flow Forecasting
- Importance of cash flow forecasting
- Operating and financial cash flows
- Analyzing cash forecast
- Forecasting alternatives
- Readings: Apple Cash Dilemma and Bond Offering
- Simulation: Advise Apple Treasurer
Module 7: Working Capital Management
- Payments and float
- Credit and receivables
- Inventory and payables
- Trade credit
- E-Commerce
- Exercise: Cash conversion cycle auto/retail sectors
- Simulation: Working Capital and Cash Conversion
Module 1: Supply Chain Finance
- Case Study: Proctor & Gamble
- Launching a Supply Chain Program
- Implications for P&G and its Suppliers
- Supplier Funding Options
Module 2: Inventory Management
- Exercise: Apple Computer
- Lean Inventory Management
- Financing Considerations
- Potential Challenges
Module 3: Short-Term Borrowing
- Bank sources
- Money-market sources
- Comparing Alternatives
- Exercise: Short-term borrowing decisions
- Simulation: What if Scenario
Module 4: Short-Term Investments
- Short-term instruments and markets
- Short-term strategies
- Measuring Investment performance
- Exercise: What do investors choose?
- Exercise: Investment Risk Rankings
- Exercise: Investment Policy Evaluation
- Simulation: What if Scenarios
Module 5: Investment Grade and Speculative Grade Debt
- Exercise: Telsa
- Managing a Debt Burden
- Cash Flow & Liquidity Considerations
- Junk Bond Status
- Business and Financing Options
Module 6: Managing Financial Risk
- Instruments and strategies
- Using risk instruments
- Monitoring use of derivatives
- Readings: Proctor & Gamble and Metallgesellschaft
- Simulation: Risk Management Policies
Module 1: Derivatives Deep Dive
- Case: FX Risk Hedging at EADS
- Risk Management Strategy
- Forward Contracts
- FX Options
Module 2: Global Treasury
- In-House Bank
- Netting, Pooling and Reinvoicing
- Case: Roche In-House Bank
- Exercise: Roche Takeaways
Module 3: Payments
- PSD2
- Real Time Payments
Module 4: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Treasury Metrics
- Dashboard/Scorecard
- Simulation: Metrics for Treasury Dashboard
Module 5: Information Technology
- Banking Portals
- Treasury Management Software
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
- ERP Integrated Treasury Management Systems
- Vendor Treasury Management Demo
Module 6: Treasury Innovation
- Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, etc.)
- Blockchain
- Simulation: Blockchain Treasury Use Cases
Module 7: Wrap-Up
- Team Presentations
- Company Action Plan